Washoe County Health District reports -2 deaths on 11/1/20. Spread Chart 2x → (scroll horizontally) Spread Chart 5x → (scroll horizontally)
Recent Washoe Statistics
Last Update:
348,593 70.26%
US: 81.4%
no data provided
no data provided
no data provided
Washoe Deaths
Nevada Deaths
12,115 2 [2]
US Deaths
1,140,278 821 [34]
Worldwide Deaths
6,956,900 727 [51*]
*North America no longer reporting.
= flat / no change
[x] = difference from 2 weeks ago
Sources linked to in left column.
Official government Information on vaccinations in Nevada and Washoe County at
NV Covid Fighter →
Pandemic Total
average deaths per month for months, including 3 days of March 2020 and days of current month,
average deaths per month for months, not including 3 days of March 2020 and current month, Graph↓ () average deaths per day for days. Table↓
average deaths per month for months, not including current month.
including days of .
average deaths per day for current year, days. Graph↓
average deaths per day
( deaths) for current month, ( days)
average deaths per month for 12 months
0.7 average deaths per day, 365 days
44 average deaths per month for 12 months
1.4 average deaths per day for 365 days
7/1/2021 First Delta variant death
56 average deaths per month for
9 months
1.8 average deaths per day for
276 days (Mar 29* -
Dec 31)
12/15/2020 - Vaccine arrives in Washoe County
fewer deaths than 2021
more deaths than 2022
more deaths than 2023
more deaths than 2020
more deaths than 2022
more deaths than 2023
fewer deaths than 2020
fewer deaths than 2021
more deaths than 2023
fewer deaths than 2020
fewer deaths than 2021
fewer deaths than 2022
Comparative Graph↓Chart↓
* First recorded COVID-19 death (caused by SARS‑CoV‑2) in Washoe County.
Other Charts
Deaths By Day of the Year
Washoe County Health District reports -2 deaths on 11/1/20.
Number of Deaths, Daily Averages Per Month
Number of Deaths Per Month - Percent
Hover over segments for additional data
Average Daily Deaths By Month
Percent of Days With 0-10 Deaths
Average Deaths per day for most recent
partial week
Average Deaths per day for latest
full week ending
Average Deaths per day for pandemic
Washoe C-19 Deaths Per Day: Data Table
days with 00 deaths
days with 01 deaths
days with 02 deaths
days with 03 deaths
days with 04 deaths
days with 05 deaths
days with 06 deaths
days with 07 deaths
days with 08 deaths
days with 09 deaths
days with 10 deaths
days with 11 deaths
⊗ 8/8/23 Longest period of 0 deaths: 40 days: 6/29 - 8/8/23.
⊗ 8/1/23: Longest run of 0 deaths shortened due to death on 6/28/23. 34 days of 0 deaths, 6/29 - 8/1/23.
⊗ Number of US deaths over the week reduced to triple digits for first time with 555 more deaths this week than the 1,162 in the previous week.
⊗ 7/25/23: Another record for number of days in a row with 0 deaths: 49, 6/7/23 - 7/25/23. Chart↑
⊗ 7/18/23: New longest run of 0 deaths per day, 42 days: 6/7/23 - 7/18/23.
⊗ 7/11/23: Another record for number of days in a row with 0 deaths: 35, 6/7/23 - 7/11/23.
⊗ 7/4/23: New longest run of 0 deaths per day, 28 days: 6/7/23 - 7/4/23.
⊗ 6/28/23: Tie for longest run of 0 deaths, 20 days: 6/7/23 - 6/27/23 and 10/14/22 - 11/2/22. Next longest, 4/29-5/15/23 - 17 days.
⊗ 5/31/23: 24 deaths added to 2022, including 9 deaths added to April 1, 2022.
Longest run of 0 deaths shortened from 24 to 20, 10/14 - 11/2/22. Second longest, 17, 4/29 - 5/15/23
⊗ 4/12/23: President Biden signs into law an end to the U.S. national emergency to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic one month ahead of the scheduled termination. Our analysis ends today, the 100th day of 2023 and the 1,109th day of the pandemic. Longest run of 0 deaths was a total of 24 days, which occurred October 14 to November 6, 2022.
⊗ 1/24/23: China reporting deaths for first time has global total rising over 30k + over last week's total to nearly 53k total deaths in a week for the first time in many months. Table↖
⊗ 1/10/23: Though number of deaths in Washoe County has been rising steeply the past two weeks, the most recent death numbers remain very low with 0 reported for 2023 so far. The higher numbers reflect updates to deaths occurring in December 2022, e.g., 3 deaths on 12/23/22.
Worldwide deaths continue to climb, but tallies are likely much higher as it is believed China is not reporting high number of deaths since lifting stay-at-home lockdown orders over a month ago.
⊗ 11/8/22: Longest run of days of 0 deaths in pandemic (26), nearly a month's worth. Total of 2 deaths in the last 30 days. New vaccinations scant even while 4th booster becomes available. Hospital and ventilator patients rising steeply while ICU patients remains at 3. Table↖
⊗ 10/4/22: September lowest deaths [4] in pandemic not including the first month, March 2020, with 3 deaths over 3 days, March 29 - 31. Daily Deaths chart ↑Deaths Per Month chart ↑
⊗ 8/25/22: Most cases continue their fall including Hospitalizations and ICU numbers while ventilators have risen from 0 to 2. CDC County infection level is down from Medium to Low.
⊗ 8/09/22: Unexpectedly low numbers of Hospitalizations, ICU and Ventilators. County infection rate has fallen from High to Medium. Table↖
⊗ 7/6/22: 39 more deaths added to county totals: 27 added to 2021, 12 added to 2022 Days of Deaths Chart↑, including the first and only day of 11 deaths, 1/29/22. Daily Deaths Chart↑Table↑
⊗ 5/25/22: Skidding along the bottom.
• May is coming in to be the second lowest month of deaths [5] for the pandemic, after the first month of
pandemic, March 2020 [3], which occurred over a 3 day period, 3/29/20 -3/31/20. Deaths Per Month Chart↑
• Percent of 0 deaths for the duration of the pandemic has leapt up to 40% from 37% Days of Deaths Chart↑
• Average deaths for month of May sits at 0.08. The next lowest month was June 2021 at 0.17% Avg Deaths Per Month Chart↑
• The first and last months of the pandemic are tied for lowest percentage of deaths per month at 0.2 each. Avg Deaths Per Month Percent Chart↑
• Number of 0 deaths in a row in May 2022 [16] bested only by the run of 21 days of 0 deaths from 5/26/21 to 6/15/21 Daily Deaths Chart↑
⊗ 4/30/22: April '22 ties July '21 for second lowest month of deaths [6], above June '21 [5]. Monthly Chart↑
⊗ 4/26/22: For the past month, WCHD has reported -2 deaths on 11/1/20. Daily Chart↑
⊗ 3/17/22: Longest run of 0 deaths (7) since July 4-16/21 (13).
⊗ 2/25/22: Last 30 days have had at least one day of 0-9 deaths. Table↑ Hospitalizations, ICU and ventilator numbers are ¼ of what they were one month ago. Table↖
⊗ 2/2/22: 2022 total deaths rise steeply to 76 over 33 days. Pandemic average monthly deaths rises to 50. Text↑ Amended deaths sees first day of 7 deaths (1/25/2022) in over a year, since 1/12/2021; and first day of 9 deaths (1/29/2022) in over a year, since 1/04/2021. Daily Chart↑Day of the Year Chart↑ January death total rises to 69, 5th highest month in pandemic behind September 2021's 100 deaths. Chart↑ Daily Average Deaths rises to 1.63. Table↑
⊗ 2/2/22: January deaths (61) rise to 6th highest month surpassing November 2021's 60 deaths. Monthly Death Totals↑ January daily death average rises to nearly 2 deaths per day, 1.97. Monthly Average Chart↑ Daily Average Deaths rises to 1.62. Table↑ 2022 averaging 3 deaths per day.
⊗ 2/2/22: Deaths rise by 10 overnight for 2nd day in a row, scattered over last 2 weeks. January deaths rise to 57 (7th largest month) after December dip to 38. Average deaths per day for pandemic rise to 1.61.
Previous 2022 Milestones
⊗ 2/1/22: Death rate leaps by 10 overnight. Ten more deaths reported spread out over past 2 weeks and 1 added to October 2021. Percent of Deaths in January 2022 rises to 5%. Pie Chart↑ First day of 6 deaths (1/25/22) since 9/15/21. Daily Chart↑ Days of 6 deaths rises to 2% of days since 3/29/20. Days Chart↑ Monthly average of deaths rises to 49 (does not include February). Average daily deaths for 2022 rises to 1.68. Months Chart↑ January 2021 death total was . Deaths per month Chart↑
⊗ 1/26/22: Hospitalization numbers, though still very high, are falling. No day of 5 deaths since 11/12/21, no day of 6 deaths since 9/15/21, no day of 7 deaths for over a year, since 1/12/21.
⊗ 1/22/22: Days of 4 deaths rises from 5% to 6% (38) of total number of days since pandemic deaths recorded 3/29/20. Days Chart↑
⊗ 1/18/22: Hospitalization numbers are high, ICU numbers are high, ventilator numbers are high, deaths are low. Daily Chart↑ Breakthrough cases rise to 4.2%, .13% lower than last week's rise. Statistics Table↖
⊗ 1/17/22: Average daily death rate continues to fall from high of 1.624 on 12/7/21 to today's 1.577. Ten day moving average falling from high of 4 on 9/25/21 to 12/14/22's 0.5. Today = 0.7Daily Chart↑ Monthly average (0.88) falls below 1% for first time since July 2021 (0.19). Monthly Chart↑
⊗ 1/16/22: Days of 0, 1, 3 and 4 deaths have all occurred in the half-month to date. Table↑ January 2021 deaths fall from 11% of total to 10%. Pie Chart↑ Hospitalizations leap from 129 to 164. ICU up 4 to 28. Ventilator use down from 10 to 6. Statistics Table ←
⊗ 1/14/22: Death numbers are much lower than with previous viral variant surges. Washoe County is currently under sustained high hospitalization, ICU and ventilator use, but death numbers remain low at this time. Chart↑
⊗ 1/10/22: Hospitalizations in Washoe County leap over weekend by 30 to 110. ICU numbers rise by 5 to 23. Patients on ventilators rises 3 to 10. These numbers on top of rising numbers from last week; e.g., Friday hospitalizations had risen 4 from 76 to 80.
⊗ 1/12/21: December deaths rise from 3% to 4%, 10th highest month of pandemic. Pie Chart↑
⊗ 1/2/22: December 2021 deaths rises to 36, from 3% to 4% of total pandemic deaths. Pie Chart↑ Average monthly death rate rises to 49. Graph↑We continue to report 2-4 days previously as most recent deathnumbers change frequently; e.g.,1/1/22 first reported as 0 deaths, then changed to 4 in thefollowing days.
Breakthrough cases leap to 1133, 824 morecases than the previous week. Percent of vaccinated rises from2.67% to 3.11%. Still hovering at 3% of vaccinated.